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Carroll Gardens Brooklyn

New York City


HotelTonight – Carroll Gardens Brooklyn Hotel Rooms

When I spend time in New York City, I feel like I'm walking around in the ultimate big city. That's hardly inaccurate, as New York is the biggest city in the United States and one of the biggest in the world, but what I mean is that everything just feels big there. The buildings are big. The events are big. The crowds are big. New York is a city that feels different from anywhere else I've ever been, and I've traveled all over the world. I'm still fascinated with the Big Apple, which is why recently I've been digging a bit deeper in my exploration of it. Whenever I'm in town these days, I extend my trip by 24 hours whenever possible. In so doing, I provide myself with the opportunity to explore one neighborhood during that time. On my most recent trip, I chose to explore the Carroll Gardens neighborhood in Brooklyn. I had heard a lot of things about it and wanted to see it for myself. As far as lodging was concerned, I would simply use my HotelTonight app to find a Carroll Gardens Brooklyn hotel room as soon as I needed one.

The Feel

The instant I started exploring Carroll Gardens, I could tell that something felt different about it as compared to other parts of the city. This is a community that did not feel big like it did in Manhattan or other parts of Brooklyn. This felt like a small town, as strange as that sounds. There were people of all ages walking around, and I saw children saying hello to seniors as though they had known them their entire lives, which they probably did. I saw people from all different walks of life coexisting in a peaceful, comfortable manner.

The Small Businesses

Perhaps a big part of this smaller-town feel that I got in Carroll Gardens was the fact that as I walked around more and more, I rarely if ever saw any sort of national chain sort of business of any type. Everything was a small, locally-owned mom-and-pop sort of operation, whether it was grocery stores, clothing stores or restaurants. That added to the overall flavor of this place, as people I noticed in some of these businesses were greeted warmly by those who worked there. They were obviously regulars, much like you'd find in a small town.

The Cuisine

If you're in a classic, old-school neighborhood, you should eat at a classic, old-school restaurant. That's exactly what I did when I decided to dine at this Italian place. It had been there for generations, I was told, and the decor looked like it probably did when it opened with the checkered table cloths and low-key approach. The food was fantastic, by the way – the marinara sauce tasted like it had cooked for days and the pasta was of the perfect consistency. It was a great meal.

HotelTonight – Carroll Gardens Brooklyn Hotels Are Available

After such a great meal, it was time to find my Carroll Gardens Brooklyn hotel room. I opened my HotelTonight app and booked a room immediately. I couldn't wait to fall into my comfortable bed and doze off into a deep sleep.