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Park Slope Brooklyn

New York City


HotelTonight – Park Slope Brooklyn Hotels

I've traveled all over the world for most of my life, and if there's one thing I've come to realize is that every city, regardless of the country or the size of that city, tends to give the people in it a certain feeling or feelings. Paris gives people a certain feeling. Rome gives people a certain feeling, as do Los Angeles and Chicago. New York definitely gives millions of people a certain feeling, and that is almost always one of excitement, particularly for those who are visiting at any given time. That's one of the reasons I've always enjoyed New York, as it's a place where there is always something to do and always something to look forward to. What I wondered was whether every neighborhood had this vibe. I decided to find out why one day. I had an extra 24 hours after finishing some meetings before I had to fly home, so I decided to check out a neighborhood in Brooklyn known as Park Slope. I had my HotelTonight app with me, so I wasn't concerned about finding a Park Slope Brooklyn hotel room as soon as I was ready.

The Families

The first thing I noticed about Park Slope was that it was and is absolutely dominated by families. It seemed that everywhere I looked, I saw parents pushing strollers containing one or more children. I saw parents walking children who were a bit older walking with their parents towards the park. I saw teens walking – definitely without their parents – together having a good time. It was clear that this was the pace of life here – families living together doing family things. There was very little hustle and bustle and there was very little outward stress.

The Park

The centerpiece of the neighborhood is clearly Prospect Park. The park, as mentioned, is where many of the families were headed while I was there, and it was obvious as to why. The park is enormous. I read that it was over 500 acres in size. I walked through it and saw everything from a meadow to a ravine to amusement park rides. Thousands of people were there on the sunny day I was in town, but it wasn't the least bit crowded because of the room available and the options for things to do. I walked and talked with some locals and enjoyed myself.

The Dining

In a family-oriented community, you're most likely going to find family-oriented dining options, which I did. I kept hearing about a pizza place nearby that had attracted quite a following, so I decided to give that a try. I was glad I did. The pizza is traditional in that it's wood-fired, and the ambience is one of a dark, wooden and welcoming dining hall. I enjoyed my pizza very much, as the cheese almost fell off the thin and crispy crust.

HotelTonight – Park Slope Brooklyn Hotels Are Available

After such a nice meal, I decided to book a Park Slope Brooklyn hotel room. HotelTonight helped me do just that in seconds. I realized as I made my way to my room that I had discovered a neighborhood in New York that was unique in its feel. This was a laid-back, calm and relaxing community, and one that I was glad I took the time to see.